Providing Quality Continuing Education for Radiologic Professionals since 1991


Structured Education / CQR Requirement Courses

If you find Structured Education and/or CQR confusing, please feel free to call our customer service professionals for assistance.  Their toll free number is 877-775-4243.  You can also email us with your questions or CQR prescription and we will assist you with finding the course or courses that fit your needs.  Our email address is

If you would like to view or download and print a listing of courses available for structured education and/or CQR available courses, please click here.  Our team of dedicated professionals can assist you in choosing a course that will meet your requirement.

Structured Education:  Structured education is a vital component of certification and registration using the postprimary pathway. Its purpose is to help you master the discipline-specific knowledge you’ll need to obtain your credential.

When pursuing a credential using the postprimary pathway, you must complete 16 hours of structured education. Currently, these continuing education credits must pertain only to the discipline you’re pursuing. Effective Jan. 1, 2018, your structured education must:

  • Reflect the Examination Content Specifications for the discipline you’re pursuing 
  • Include at least one credit from each of the document’s major content categories

Structured education activities must meet the same criteria as those that comply with your biennial CE requirements. In other words, a RCEEM or RCEEM+ must approve the activity, and/or the activity must be an academic course from an institution accredited by a recognized agency. You’ll need to complete your structured education requirements within the 24 months before you submit a postprimary application.

To report your structured education or CQR credits, login to your account at the ARRT® and document your credits.  They will review and approve the submissions within about two business days.  Sometimes it takes a little longer.

Continuing Qualifications Requirements (CQR):  The purpose of continuing qualifications requirements (CQR) is to assist technologists in documenting their continued qualifications in the disciplines of certification and registration held. To accomplish this purpose the continuing qualifications requirements are presented in three parts:

  1. The professional profile

  2. The structured self assessment (SSA)

  3. Continuing education (CE)

As health care technology evolves, and patients demand increased accountability from providers, many credentialing agencies—including ARRT®—have created long-term requirements for maintaining credentials. technologists who have earned their credentials on or after Jan.1, 2011, must complete Continuing Qualifications Requirements (CQR) every 10 years. CQR helps identify gaps in knowledge and skills that might cause you to fall behind today’s entry-level qualifications. It then develops a plan for refreshing your understanding and abilities. If you’d like to learn more, visit the video library to watch the CQR video.

The Structured Self Assessment Content Specifications are provided to assist technologists during their CQR compliance period. Its purpose is to prepare technologists for the SSA and to help education providers develop coursework for the technologists who need to address specified areas with targeted continuing education. Targeted CE is assigned only if a standard is not met in a category on the SSA.

For more complete information please click here to visit our FAQ page.  You can also visit the ARRT® website to read more about your postprimary pathway. If you would like to read the Post-primary handbook, click here.

Each imaging modality has a list of courses that have been coded for structured education and CQR.  You can meet your requirements by choosing a course or courses that have the credit amount that has been given for structured education or prescribed for your CQR requirement.  It is typical to need more than one course to meet your credit requirement.

AMERICAN REGISTRY OF RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGISTS®, ARRT®, R.R.A.®, and R.T.® are registered trademarks owned by The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. Gage CE is not licensed by, endorsed by, or affiliated with The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists.