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Medical Terminology Express

14 Category A Credits
Instructional Videos:

Manufacturer: FA Davis
14 ASRT Category A Credits
Course approved by the ASRT
California Accepted (CRT, XT, RTF): No
California X-ray Supervisor/Operator: No
Texas: Indirect Credit
Florida: Technical Credit
Florida Provider #3200618
Accepted for the ARRT®
Accepted by ARDMS
To see CQR/Structured Education credit breakdown click here
Registered Nurse: Approved for 14 Contact Hours

All of our courses are accepted by the State Nursing Boards, except for the following states:
Delaware, Georgia, Minnesota and Utah
Our Nursing provider number is: California Nurse Provider #CEP13196
AMERICAN REGISTRY OF RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGISTS®, ARRT®, R.R.A.®, and R.T.® are registered trademarks owned by The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. Gage CE is not licensed by, endorsed by, or affiliated with The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists.


Medical Terminology Express adapts Barbara Gylys’s proven word-building techniques for the short-course. Organized by body system, this text shows the connection between anatomical structures and associated medial word roots.

No matter which type of Medical Terminology course you purchase, (complete course, download test, fax or online) you can take your test through our on-line testing site.
If you order any of the "Test Only" options, it DOES NOT INCLUDE THE BOOK.


On completion of this Medical Terminology course the participant should be able to:
1. Identify and define the four elements used to build medical words
2. List the nine regions of the abdominal region.
3. Define the medical suffix “phoresis”.
4. Explain the difference between basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.
5. Define the term “apnea”.
6. Name five structures of the lymphatic system.
7. Define the term “gastroenterology” and explain the types of procedures that fall under this heading.
8. Explain the difference between urology and Nephrology.
9. Define the suffix “tocia” and use it in a sentence.
10. List five types of conditions treated by an endocrinologist.
11. Explain the difference between the prefix “hypo” and “hyper”.
12. Name the primary structures of the musculoskeletal system.
13. Define the term “tympanostomy” and explain where it is used.


Purchase your course and use the test key provided to take your test online. There is no extra charge for online testing and you will get immediate results. You can start and stop your test at any time so you can work at your own pace. Your test key is found on your receipt, under the description of your purchase.

This test is a multiple choice, open book test and contains 112 questions.
This is a soft cover book and has 13 chapters and 318 pages.

When you order a complete course, you will receive a text book, question booklet and answer sheet.  Your order will ship within 24 hours of receipt of order and you should receive your order by mail in 3-5 business days.

When you order a test only for mailing, you will receive a test booklet and an answer sheet.  Your order will ship within 24 hours of receipt of order and you should receive your order by Fedex within the timeframe for the shipping option you chose. Please note that if you order the test only option you will NOT receive a course book.

We have developed several "How-To" videos to assist you in accessing the course you ordered.  Click on the link below that best meets the information you want to view:

When you order an Ebook, you will log in to your account profile and download the Ebook, test booklet and answer sheet. For further instruction, please view our instructional video.

If you would like to choose the download test option, you will log in to your account profile and download the test booklet and answer sheet. For further information, please view our instructional video.

If you plan to take the test online, please be sure you have the course book, as the online testing option does not include the course book. For further information, please view our instructional video.

If you would like to have this test faxed to you, please be sure that you have the textbook and question booklet. You will receive your test the same day.

If you have any questions, please call our customer service department at 877-775-4243
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Structured Education / CQR - Computed Tomography - CT Procedures Abdomen & Pelvis - 4.5 credits
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Structured Education / CQR - Registered Radiologist Assistant - RA Procedures Thoracic Section - 1.5 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Registered Radiologist Assistant - RA Procedures Musculoskeletal & Endocrine Sections - 1.75 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Registered Radiologist Assistant - RA Procedures Neurological, Vascular & Lymphatic Sections - 2 credits
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Structured Education / CQR - Radiography - RAD Procedures Head, Spine & Pelvis - 1 credit
Structured Education / CQR - Radiography - RAD Procedures Thorax & Abdomen - 3.25 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Radiography - RAD Procedures Extremities - 1 credit
Structured Education / CQR - Sonography - SON Patient Care Pt interaction & Mgmt - 4.75 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Sonography - SON Procedures Abdomen - 2 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Sonography - SON Procedures 1st Trimester Obstetrics - .25 credit
Structured Education / CQR - Sonography - SON Procedures 2nd/3rd Trimester & High Risk Obstetrics - .25 credit
Structured Education / CQR - Sonography - SON Procedures Gynecology - .5 credit
Structured Education / CQR - Sonography - SON Procedures Superficial Structures & Other Sonographic - 3.75 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Radiation Therapy - THR Patient Care Pt Interactions - 4.75 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Radiation Therapy - THR Patient Care Pt & Medical Record Mgmt - 1 credit
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Structured Education / CQR - Radiation Therapy - THR Procedures Treatments - .25 credit
Structured Education / CQR - Vascular-Interventional Radiography - VI Patient Care Pt interaction & Mgmt - 1.5 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Vascular-Interventional Radiography - VI Procedures Vascular Diagnostic - 2 credits
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Structured Education / CQR - Vascular-Interventional Radiography - VI Procedures Non-vascular Interventional - 1.5 credits
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Structured Education / CQR - Vascular Sonography - VS Procedures Venous Peripheral Vasculature - .25 credit
Structured Education / CQR - Vascular Sonography - VS Procedures Extracranial Cerebral Vasculature & Other Sonographic - .75 credit
Structured Education / CQR - Proton Therapy - PTH Procedures Treatment Sites - 6.5 credits